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What is a zine?

A zine is a small, home made booklet. The word "zine" derives from "magazine", but today it is very much it's own things in it's own culture.


The great thing about the zine is that the production cost is low and the format easy to make. This makes it possible for all artists to self-publish tottally unique ideas. A zine can be everythings you want it to be - politicle, funny, personal, horrific, beatiful and weird.

Artists that make zines often gather at zine festivals around the country, where everyone can meet them and get themselves copies of their zines as well as various other creative products. These are some of the sweetest and most interesting poeple I have ever known. If you follow me on Instagram, you can keep youself posted on the zine festivals I go to.

Undskyld På Forhånd - En f...ed up digtsamling

"Undskyld På Forhånd" is one of my longer zines, and it’s filled with all kinds of poems of mine. Read my criticism of the public school system made of 28 words - each beginning with the next letter in the alphabet. Or perhaps you would rather giggle over the rhymes about the neighbor who seems to only like death metal and vacuuming.

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Idioms For Idiots - Try to guess danish idioms

"Idioms For Idiots" is a zine made with the goal of quizzing you on and teaching you about weird, Danish expressions through cartoons of their literal meanings. It’ll make you go totally cucumber! If you know what I mean?

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Logomotive - If everything had a logo

"Logomotive" is a comedic zine filled with logos and slogans for random and ordinary things. Have a laugh over my marketing of platypuses, the cleavage, OCD and much more.

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Allan Får Stress - En børnebog for voksne

"Allan Får Stress" is a comedic and educational parody of a children's book, but for grown ups. It follows Allan, a typical father, husband and employee, who has a hard time taking care of his mental health. Will Allan just walk it off? Or will he perhaps learn to sit down and explore those damn feelings? Read the shocking reveal in the zine!

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"Labyrinter" is a zine filled with labyrinths and mazes that I drew as a child during my maze phase.

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Tickles For Your Funny Bone

Tickles For Your Funny Bone is a zine of mixed comedic cartoons. from catfishing via smoke signals to the made up game show “Who Wants To Be A Millennial?”.

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I Like To Make Lists About All Sorts Of Crap And Here You Have The Best Ones

I Like To Make Lists About All Sorts Of Crap is one of my longer zines, and it’s filled with (duh) lists about me and my favorite things as well as comedic lists about pretty weird stuff like my creative reasons for whether or not I would hire different kinds of vegetables.

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The Second Version

The zine got an upgrade!
In this version some lists have been switched out with new, better and funnier lists. I even found some lists from my teenage years, that I also included

There is a whole new chapter as well: "The Context Index". In this chapter I elaborate on stories from my life, that I mention throughout the zine. I also explain how I have changed as a person since I made the original zine and, because of this, some of the lists have changed.

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God Pitches The World - The Lord has an idea, and it's pretty weird

God Pitches The World is a zine that tells the comedic story of a young God pitching his business idea about the world and people to his bosses. It doesn’t go well.

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Tickles For Your Funny Bone - Movies special

Tickles For Your Funny Bone - Movie Special is a zine of comedic cartoons about cinematic classics. Have a laugh over the third pill option in The Matrix or people always tripping over things and falling in Horror Movies.

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Dad Jokes - from a kidless manchild

Dad Jokes is my 10th zine. Enjoy my 100 original jokes plus some illustrations. Why is a penis like an accordion? Why did the matador quit? And what is the most street breakfast food? Laugh about the answers, or just shake your head over how lame they are.

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